Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Using Real Estate To Add $150K+ To Your Net Worth

Boy, does the title of this article sound like a great, late night infomercial or what.. Can't you just see images of fancy cars, people laying on the beach, expensive homes, and all the other ways these promoters try to get you to sign up for their 3 easy payments.

Now, what about a steady get wealthy program for the rest of us? Suppose I could show you a method to:

Increase your net worth by $150,000+ each year;

Take on minimal risk; spend only a few hours per week; and increase your rate of wealth production over time.

Would you be interested? Probably the answer is HECK YES!!!! But are you really interested? I will let you be the judge.

First, let me state that what I am about to discuss is really geared for those individuals that have some disposable income and good credit; i.e., the bulk of middle to middle/upper class America. If you have poor credit or are strapped for cash, then I suggest you solve those issues first and then consider implementing this strategy.

Next, let me also state that what I am about to suggest is as exciting as watching corn grow in Nebraska; however, what any professional investor will tell you is that if your investing is exciting and really gets your blood pumping, then you are doing it wrong!! Instead, what you want is a clear game plan on how to succeed, grow and when an opportunity fits your game plan, you immediately pounce to make it happen.

So, what if I could show you some exotic opportunity that had the following characteristics:

$16,058 Cash Required To Purchase; Expected Gain In 5 Years: $83,000 Initial Due Diligence Time: 15 Hrs Hours Per Year: 20 Hrs Very Low-Risk

Now, suppose I gave you the opportunity to do this investment twice, thus making the expected gain $166,000, in 5 years. Now, suppose you plan to invest this way once every year. That means during Year 1, you would need $32,000 in cash and in Year 2, you would need the same as well. However, after Year 2, you were now able to recover your original cash inputs and reinvest it for years, 3, 4, 5, What you have just created now is a perpetual wealth building machine.

Sound Good?

When presented this way, most people would agree that this sounds good. But, in reality, we know that MOST PEOPLE WILL WALK AWAY FROM THIS OPPORTUNITY. So, suppose I presented such an opportunity to somebody not used to investing. Let's see how a typical conversation would go.

New Investor: Sounds interesting but how do I know it will do what you say?

Chris: You don't. Nobody can predict the future but you can look at hard numbers to see if the assumptions make sense to you. Even though this is not a guarantee, it is LIKELY to occur or may be even better than predicted.

New Investor: But this takes a lot of time to look into and understand.

Chris: Realistically, we all have some extra time available and in reality, to analyze just a few (1-5) deals a year is not hard. But let's put this in dollars and cents terms. From above, it appears that we could make $166,000 for about 150 Hrs total work. Or $1,106/Hr. That is not "bad grits" as we say here in the south.

New Investor: But I don't get this money for 5 YEARS!!!

Chris: That should not impact you at all. You are accumulating wealth for the long term, not looking for a quick income now take a vacation in the islands. If I can do something today that pays me well down the road, I have no issue with that.

New Investor: I thought real estate investors made big money very quickly. This does not seem like very much to me.

Chris: Yes, SOME people make $100's of thousands of dollars in short periods of time However, these days, these opportunities are rare and risky. Why not do something that is a no brainer, that pays you handsomely in a predictable manner.

Also, suppose you did this and increased your retirement by $166,000 (with 150 Hrs total effort). Now, look at your current retirement accounts and ask yourself, how long did you work to accumulate those?

New Investor: But there is a chance I could lose money.

Chris: Yes, that is true. But what investors do is they look at the FACTS to decide if it is highly unlikely to lose money. If it appears like a low risk, no brainer investment, then they move forward quickly. I will let you in on a secret. Out of all the investments I have done, I have lost money on only 1 over the years I actually lost $3,000 on this transaction. While that might be terrible for some, compared to what I have made via investing, it is a drop in the ocean.

But Those Opportunities Rarely Exist!

I hate to tell you but that is not true. These opportunities exist all the time but they are not typically in the form of some super, sexy investment. Usually much more run of the mill.

Let me give you an example.. We recently finished out a project in Marble Falls, Texas. We presented this project in our normal fashion but now I am going to give you a different, behind the scenes look; unfortunately, because of securities laws, we cannot give this kind of view when we are offering a project.

First, a disclaimer:

Any analysis presented below is for educational and illustrative purposes only. The assumptions presented here are OUR OPINIONS ONLY and may not actually occur in the future. Any investment in real estate contains inherent risks and anybody considering investing in real estate should consult their advisor.

Listed in the table below is many of our assumptions that we used in our model. The biggest assumptions that impact the final outcome are the appreciation, future rents, and rental escalation. For a number of the reasons presented in our original release information, we strongly believe that this area is going to do nothing but continue to appreciate, especially for this price category. In addition, there is a method in place where we can sell these units as individual condo's rather than duplexes; we believe this will provide a substantial appreciation boost.

Let me point out something here This project has initially near neutral cash flow and we are only getting a 7% discount. Although this project was very popular and sold out, most people heard that, yawned, and went on. At the same time they were yawning, Mike and I were purchasing 4 units. Let's see why.

When we take OUR ESTIMATES and project them forward, here is what we see. Will this actually occur? We don't know but obviously we believe it enough to purchase 4 units. If we are right, then we believe we just created $335,000 of net worth. Not bad for signing a few documents.

How Do You Do This?

If you are like many in America right now, you are probably thinking that now is a good time to get serious about your future financial picture. Hopefully, what I have laid out for you in this article is one easily implemented method to achieve a substantial, and steady growth in net worth.

Dr. Chris Anderson is the founder of http://www.GetPreconstructionDeals.com and leads a 21,000+ real estate investor group. Get his weekly, thought provoking articles by signing up today!Anthia Blog59310
Adel Blog53568

It's Your Credit. What Are You Going To Do To Protect It?

For anyone who has, has had and wants to avoid being had, this series of articles reflects years of continuing research. I'll discuss the worse that can ever happen to people thrown into credit situations - whether through their own doing or as victims and how they were able to come of them in one piece. These article are based on facts as I read and understood them.

A credit report is a history of your bill payments record. These can be bills such as home loans and mortgages, revolving credit and even cell phones. There are three credit-reporting agencies that are commonly referred to as credit repositories. Each uses a different type of symbol. When looking at your credit report, be aware of the very first page. This will most often contain the explanation of the symbols that are used by that company. There are various symbols that are utilized to identify payment histoy, types of accounts and whether or not the account is individual, joint or involves a cosigner.

Credit reporting agencies are NOT part of the U.S. Government. They are privately owned companies that get paid to sell information about you to your creditors. They get paid for good and bad information. You are NOT their customer. You do not purchase any goods or services from the Credit Reporting Agencies.

They do not care whether your credit is perfect or poor. They receive their money from the creditors in the form of charges and memberships. Why should a credit reporting agency care about you? You are only a consumer of goods or services.

In fact, Experian, which is one of the three large Credit Reporting Agencies is owned by a British conglomerate. Think about that. Why would a foreign company own a credit reporting agency in the United States? The answer is simply for the profit. Those are the facts.

Remember, most credit reports identify the consumer (you) by your name and your credit entries by the name, account number and the date that the account was opened. Being able to identify information that is not accurate can help you to raise your credit scores. One of the single most important parts of the following articles is your ability to identify on your credit report your legal right to know WHEN an account is first delinquent.

In a future article I'll devote an entire paragraph that further explains this portion of the law.

Chuck Lunsford is the owner and developer of http://www.EasyFLoridaHomeLoans.com. He offers advice on how to get your credit in order and working for you. Visit his website and learn more about how to obtain without resorting to paying an attorney.Alecia Blog4497
Albertine Blog69021

Avail Cash Loan to Deal with Urgent Instant Needs

Life is full of uncertainties. You never know when an emergency will arrive. This is true enough for both your personal and financial life. In your personal life your friends and relatives are there to help you out. While in case of a financial emergency instant cash loan is there to serve you and let your life run smooth without any hiccups.

Instant cash loans are a kind of payday loans that are offered to serve your urgent cash needs. You can borrow instant cash loans for making payments for urgent medical or educational bills, repaying small debts, meeting wedding or holiday expenses and many more purposes for which you cannot afford to wait.

Instant cash loans are short term loans that are offered in small amounts usually between a ranges of 80-1,000 which are enough to meet your urgent expenses. The repayment terms for these loans ranges from 7-14 days.

Since instant cash loans are offered in not very large amounts, you do not require put any property against the loan amount. Sill for the sake of security, the lender keeps your post dated check as collateral against the loan. The check has the total amount including the fee, interest rate and the loan amount. This secures the loan as the lender gets the required amount back in time on depositing the check in your bank account.

The process of getting an instant cash loan is quite simple. These loans are instant because they are available on one of the fastest modes of communication i.e. internet. With the help of online lenders you can get instant cash loan in a very short time. Lenders offer you a provision of filling an online application form in which you will be asked to fulfill certain requirements to qualify for the loan. The basic requirements are:

-You must be a UK citizen and above the age of 18.

-You must be a regular employee of a company and must have employment proof with you.

-You should have a current account to which your loan money will be transferred and also the required amount will be withdrawn by the lender at the end of loan term.

If you fulfill these criteria you will further asked to fill the application form giving details about your identity, residential proofs, credit history etc. Once you submit the form, the lender will quickly contact you and the loan amount will be transferred in your account. Since instant cash loans are offered for a short period, no credit check is run by the lender. So if you have a bad credit history, you need not worry any anymore. Instant cash loans are there to help you out with any kind of situation you are in.

When you are looking for a fast, convenient and easily available source of money, instant cash loans are the best opportunity for you. It will help you meet your expenses at the time when you need the most.

Olivia Maaret loans have recently began to play a strong part in deciding the financial future of general population. Olivia maaret can help you find the best loan at best interest rates. To find Instant cash loans, instant cash loans , instant online cash loan, short term cash loan online, quick online cash loan, unsecured online cash loan, small online cash loan, same day online cash loan visit http://www.cash-loans-online.co.ukAnge Blog55738
Ada Blog34402

How To Help Cancer Charities With Your Credit Card

Shopping, meals and holidays are just some of the items we put on our credit cards. But credit card spending does not have to be selfish. Credit card holders can use their credit cards to support worthwhile causes such as charities.

There are several ways of doing this. Credit card owners can donate to different charities using their credit cards or they can choose a charity credit card to give their chosen charity a donation every time they spend.

How Charity Cards Work

Most charity cards donate in two ways. The first is a lump sum donation given to a charity when someone first takes out a charity card. Additional lump sums may be donated if people keep the card or continue to spend on the credit card.

The second method is to donate a percentage of the money spent by the cardholder to the chosen charity. This can range from 0.25% to 1% of the amount spent, depending on the deal and the card chosen.

Giving To Cancer Charities

Cancer is a major killer in industrialised nations and so it is hardly surprising that a number of charities have launched their own credit cards to help their charity efforts. Many of these are supported by large banks.

Cancer Research UK is the UK's largest cancer charity. The organisation's credit card is supported by Halifax and works like other Halifax cards. There is no annual fee and the card offers a low balance transfer fee for six months. Halifax donates 0.25% of money spent on the card to Cancer Research UK.

Another cancer charity has raised 1,000,000 with its charity card. The Breakthrough Breast Cancer Charity Card is sponsored by MBNA. The purchase donation is the same as that offered by the Cancer Research credit card. However, MBNA also offers an additional donation for online applications.

Other Ways Of Giving To Charity

Charity credit cards work well for those who spend regularly on their credit cards. A donation rate of 0.25% means that 25 pence of every 100 spent goes to the charity. Some people may find that donating the proceeds of a cash back credit card (which gives more than 0.5% of annual spending in a lump sum each year) may be another good way to help a charity.

Shopping Around

As with other credit cards it is worth looking around for the best credit card deals for charity cards. Many charity cards offer 0% balance transfer rates and purchase rates for fixed periods. Some offer low standard interest rates as well.

There are many websites that offer comparisons of credit cards and charity credit cards. The sites look at balance transfer and purchase rates, introductory offers, standard interest rates and other incentives for credit card buyers. Shopping around allows people to get the best deal for themselves and still contribute to a good cause.

Joseph Kenny writes for CardGuide.co.uk, with the latest 0% balance transfers, and more credit info in the credit card guide. Visit today: http://www.cardguide.co.uk/Aleda Blog4968
Ariella Blog85507

Important Tips for Installing Radiant Barrier and the Reasons Why We Should

Radiant barrier is a relatively new product that consumers are slowly becoming aware of. It consists of a reflective composition placed in your attic that reflects heat before it enters your home. Our government, universities as well as independent laboratories have tested this new energy saving product and it works. People seem to have a hard time believing that their attic can be converted into a giant mirror reflecting heat from underneath their roof. By applying just a coat of paint under the decking surface it will reduce heat transfer and insects by sealing up cracks and crevices.

Roof temperatures can rise to almost 200 degrees. Attic temperature can be as hot as 140 degrees. This heat creates moisture that falls to your attic floor on your insulation. This causes your insulation not to work properly and lowers the insulation value. Radiant barrier works three-fold by reflecting heat from your home, lowering the temperature in your attic that allows your insulation to work more effectively and this causes your A/C unit to work less. An additional benefit is that youre A/C ductwork lasts longer because it isnt exposed to such high temperatures that induce drying and cracking creating air leaks.

When you are building a home you need to inform your builder that you want radiant barrier installed. They have a plywood decking material available that has a reflective film on the bottom. The average extra cost is only 3 cents a square foot and this is the most cost effective installation of radiant barrier. This installation of radiant barrier should be mandatory and not optional. A builder not using this product shouldnt be building any home.

If you have a home without radiant barrier it will be more difficult and expensive to install. You need to use caution when hiring a radiant barrier installer. All products being developed always have copycat companies popping up vying for the market share. Many are inferior products that do not work as well and if not properly installed will not work or last as expected. You also have the option of installing it yourself to eliminate the installation costs.

There are several companies selling a powdered ceramic substance that you add to paint and they claim and even guarantee will cut your electric bill by 15-20%. These products may work but the only radiant barrier product I will use is provided by Hy-Tech Thermal Solutions. Most installers will want to keep the costs down and they will use an interior paint versus exterior paint that costs less. The climate inside your attic suffers the same temperature extremes as the outside of your home. The paint should also be high gloss that has a more reflective value. You also want to ensure that the paint is a water-based latex versus oil based that will create toxic fumes roaming through your home. If you have oil-based paint installed and your gas appliances are not turned off or an electrical spark occurs it could cause an explosion. Aluminum or silver color paint will provide more reflecting properties than white paint. These are the only two colors to use as a radiant barrier.

Every American should be aware that we have a shortage of oil, but we have even less natural gas. Most of our electric plants are run by natural gas. Building new nuclear or coal burning electrical plants will take decades to complete. Many people are complaining about the high cost of gasoline but dont stop to think that their homes use far more electricity than their automobiles. By installing radiant barrier and reducing your electric bill by 30% or more you can do your part to conserve our environment, reduce our dependence on other nations, and help reduce our gas prices at the pump. By running up your electric bill, supply and demand fundamentals dictate that you are also increasing every other Americans electric bill. Besides that our government is offering a $500.00 dollar tax credit to Americans who make their home more energy efficient. Why does our government want us to make our homes more energy efficient? Perhaps they realize that our utility bills could one day be more expensive than our mortgage payments if we dont start to consume less.

Many people are having a hard time selling their property due to the housing market slow down. Something they should know is that the underlying factor for all prospective homebuyers is, How much is it going to cost me? Many new homebuyers are inquiring about the utility bills of a home prior to buying. Some people dont even need your permission to get this information. By installing radiant barrier you are adding value to your home and reducing the electric bill, which will help sell your home.

All in all, radiant barrier is an energy efficient product that works and if you take the precautions above, you will maximize your savings. Americans can assist our nation by making their home more energy efficient. Radiant barrier is the most energy efficient product available for your home.

Dale Adams of Majestic Publishers is the author and self publisher of the new book, Care Giving Made Easy How to be an Awesome Caregiver and the soon to be released, How to Make Your Home Sell - Even In A Slow Market His many experiences include being a Security Consultant, General Contractor and Energy Conservation Specialist. To learn more valuable information visit: http://www.majesticpublishers.com.Andra Blog44132
Arlyne Blog37633

Credit Repair - It's All About Saving Money

Why is credit repair important? It comes down to one simple thing - saving money.

Everyone has a credit report. It turns out that about 70% of all credit reports contain inaccurate or untimely information. This can have an adverse effect on your credit score and that can cost you money. Credit repair is the process you undertake to remove or correct these errors on your credit report.

The great thing about repairing your credit is it's not difficult to do. The first step is to obtain a copy of your credit report. If you have been turned down for a loan or credit, you are entitled to a free credit report within 60 days of the rejection. You are also entitled to 1 free report from each of the 3 credit reporting agencies each year.

The next step is to let the credit reporting agency know in writing what information you think is inaccurate and request that it be removed or corrected. Make sure you send the letter by certified mail so you have a receipt with a record of when you sent it. Always keep copies of your letters.

The credit reporting agencies have 30 days to investigate your dispute and get back to you. If they find the information under dispute to be inaccurate, they must notify all three credit reporting agencies and the creditor or organization that provided the information. All of them must correct the information in your file.

When the investigation is complete, the credit reporting agency will provide you with the results and a copy of your updated credit report for your review.

If the investigation does not resolve the issue, you can request to have a statement of the dispute added to your file and on future credit reports.

Then you need to send a letter to the creditor or organization that provided the inaccurate information, telling them that you dispute their information. Include all documents that support your position. If the creditor reports the information to a credit reporting agency, it must also include a notice of the dispute.

So why go through this exercise? Your credit score determines how much interest you pay on loans or credit. If you add up how much interest you pay on your car loan, home mortgage and insurance, you can see just how much money is at stake - it can be thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. It can even determine if you get a job or not.

Credit repair is vital in making sure your credit report is accurate so you can save money - sometimes a great deal of money.
Thomas Erikson is co-founder of http://www.your-debt-consolidation-loan.com which provides http://www.your-debt-consolidation-loan.com/credit-repair.html information and solutions.Adriana Blog71724
Auria Blog13942

Money Management And Payday Loans

There are a number of ways that people can use to manage money to stay out of debt and even establish savings over time.

Establish a Budget

The first, and maybe the most important step, is to set a budget for yourself and stick by it. Take a look at your household income and outgo. Set the budget up to accommodate your payday schedule. In other words, if you get paid once a month, then you have to budget accordingly so that you wont run out of money before the end of the month. If you get paid every two weeks, or every week, figure out which of your bills have to be paid on each payday. It is absolutely essential to set some money aside for emergencies. Even if it is only $20 per payday, having some cushion will keep you from having to borrow money when something unforeseen occurs. There are all kinds of budget sheets available to help you figure things out and many of them are free on the Internet. However, it is not hard to make your own. Just make a list of your income and when it arrives, as well as a list of what has to be paid when. Check each item off and date it when it is paid. Dont forget to budget adequate amounts for items like food, gas, entertainment, etc. If you have those items in your budget, its also a good way to track how much you are actually spending on them each month.

Get Organized

A good way to begin the budgeting process is to sort out all of your legal and financial papers and file them so you can find what you need when you need it. For example put bills that are due on the 10th of the month in one folder, and bills that are due on the 25th in another folder. Once you have paid a particular bill, shred it and dispose of it, in order to save confusion. Any other financial information, like savings accounts, mutual funds, etc. should also be stored in appropriately labeled folders. At the first of the year, when your tax documents start coming in, put them all in one folder with the tax forms. When April 15 rolls around, you wont have to dig through piles of mail on your desk to come up with all of the appropriate documents and forms. Items like insurance policies should also be labeled and file so that you can readily find them if and when you need them.

Find Ways to Save Money

Do some brainstorming about your expenses and how you could possibly cut back on them. It is wise to write them down on paper because it is less easy to dismiss them that way. For example, can you cut down on the amount of gas you use by taking public transportation? If you eat out often, consider making more meals at home. Examine your buying habits. Do you go shopping when you are depressed? Do you go grocery shopping when you are hungry? Do you purchase items advertised on the shopping channel without every leaving your easy chair? These are all practices you can change. Find healthier activities for when you are feeling down go for a long walk instead of going shopping. Make a grocery list and carefully plan what groceries you need for the coming week, then go to the store and buy them. Coupons can be advantageous if you buy name brand items, but store brands are often cheaper in the long run. Watch the weekly sales flyers in the local newspaper and buy items like meat when they are on sale. Its handy to have something in the freezer to fix, and less costly in the long run than making a quick trip to the store after work and picking up only what you need for that nights meal.

Find Ways to Make More Money

Get an extra part time job, or work overtime at your regular job, if possible. Clear out your attic or your garage and have a yard sale. You may be happily surprised at the amount of money you can bring in. These days, many people make money selling items through online auction sites like ebay, and dont have to sort and tag and have people running all over your yard for a day. If there is a local farmers market, consider something you can sell there. If you have extra produce from your garden, or are a good baker, you will find that people are readily willing to buy things that you can grow or make. If you make extra money, dont increase your expenses. Either use it to pay off bills, or put it away for savings.

Choose Credit Carefully

If you have to have a credit card, shop around for the best deal. Some credit cards have yearly fees that have to be paid whether you ever use the card or not. Interest rates vary widely. Make sure you know what the interest rate is and shop around for the lowest. If you charge something, pay it off before the end of the month, then it wont cost you any interest on the card. Dont use more than one credit card. Its too easy to get into the cycle of living on the credit cards and never really paying more than the interest on them. This is a practice that will get you deeper into debt in the long run.

Payday Loans

If you have an emergency and need to get a payday loan, make sure you investigate and find the one that is the best deal for you. The amount of interest charged varies widely from company to company and so does the repayment period. Find the loan that gives you the most flexibility for the least fees. Try to never roll your payday loan over, but pay it off in full by the due date.

Max Hunter is the author of many credit related articles. If you are looking for help with Payday loan or any type of faxless loans please visit us at http://www.PaydayLoanChoice.comAlejandrina Blog85483
Ainslee Blog34865

Why MLM is an Inspiration Business

Usually when we think of multilevel marketing what comes to mind is recruiting. Trying to find people that want to earn money from home, and then convincing them to join our opportunity. Convincing is the key word here. Nobody wants to join a convincing business. But that's what we do in our industry.

Then we wonder why we have a hard time building a solid organization.

Initially people join an mlm opportunity for the money. I mean, that is why we do this, for the money right?


If you look at the leaders in this industry, and in your own organization. I mean really look. You'll see that they offer something to their downlines much more than just " How to Make Money". Because the how to's can be found in your local bookstore, or even the public library.

Sorry to tell you, but just the "how to's" will never be enough.

One of the things your leaders are doing is they are busy climbing the mountain. They are going on ahead of the pack. They make sure the mountain is safe to climb. While you are climbing that mountain, your leaders are encouraging you. As if to say "Yeah, you can do it, If I made it this far so can you".

Your leaders are also yelling down to you, they are pointing out where the rocks are. And giving advice on how to go over the rocks, or under them, or around them. A great leader will even try to get you up the mountain even higher than the leader is.

Remember, MLM is certainly not the only way to make money. Just watch late night television.

Pretend you watched some infomercial on tv, and ended up buying an ATM machine, or some Internet Kiosk Thingy. Are those companies going to do do all the stuff your upline does? No. They will not. "cause they don't give a rat's bat about you. But your upline does!

It's this extra attention. The caring leadership. The built in self development that appeals to so many people. And don't forget, people are becoming more spiritually aware than ever before.

I'm not talking religion here either. People are tired of the corporate, don't give a damn rat race, tread mill, life they are living. They want purpose, passion. People want to feel good inside. They want to feel important.

Like they belong to something. A movement. And they want to feel like what they are doing with their lives is of value to other people. Because when you uncover all the B.S., people, almost all people, are really, really nice.

So let's point this back to you. I know you're a nice person and all. But what can you do to inspire people. because if you can inspire others, you'll set yourself apart from all the other "please please join me" networkers.

And you do want that, right?

So first of all, forget about the money. The money will come. But stop focusing on it when you are dealing with people. Think about your vision, and all that when you are alone.

Pretend you are doing mlm for free. As a volunteer thing. Or charity. Ask yourself why. With the money issue gone, why would you do mlm? If you can't find an answer you are in the wrong industry. Go sell vacuum cleaners or something.

Because if you don't love this. If you don't feel this business people will not follow you. And you'll never be able to grow much of a downline.

Find the desire to be better, to do more, to grow as a human being, and to bring up as many people as you can along the way. Think about how you can give increase to everyone you meet. Even if you have no intentions to do business with them.

Think about what your purpose is. It doesn't have to be to save the world. But something you feel very strongly about. And how being in the network marketing industry is helping you with your purpose.

And of course you need to have confidence. Yes, things can get scary. But just do a tiny little thing you have never done before. Something small that you know will help you or others. And then do just a tiny little bit more.

All those little actions will become big actions. You will build your confidence and be seen as someone who takes big actions.

If you think about it, you already know what to do. Because growing yourself, and others is a very natural thing. Just allow yourself to do it. And fine tune it as you go along.

Jeff Neil is a tattooed, bald headed ex-cop who sells candles in his spare time. But you don't care about that. What you might care about is how to be a leader in this industry. Find out at his mlm blog http://www.4mlm.com/category/mlm-leadership/.Abigail Blog62458
Ariel Blog53968

Make Money on eBay - Identify your Target Buyer

To make money on eBay requires a great deal of upfront investigation and research. It requires that a seller know the marketplace well. There needs to be a solid market niche with ready, willing and able buyers. But that is only half of the story. Success also requires that sellers know about their target buyers.

To make money on eBay requires that success sellers know their target buyers. What items do they want and need? When do they prefer to shop? What information are they seeking about items before they will buy? Are there any special requirements such as special features that they expect to be included with the items they purchase?

Targeted buyers need to be eagerly waiting for the items that you sell. They need to have the means to make the purchase when they find the right items. But how is a seller who wants to make money on eBay going to identify anything about the target buyer for their product?

Often the basics can be obtained as a part of market niche and product research. Many product manufacturers list suggested users in their product descriptions, in their product catalogs or on their websites. General online product searches will also often include this information. The eBay site abounds with buyer information as well. If you know the niche and the product you will also have a good feel for the target buyer from prior experience. Finally, as a seller actually begins to make money on eBay by selling the product, buyer demographics will become clear.

Do you want to make money on eBay? Then know your product niche and your target buyers well.

To Your eBay Success!

Bob Hamilton is an entrepreneur, writer and consultant. Bob sold his brick and mortor store to sell on eBay and has been helping others to get started on eBay ever since.Ariella Blog85507
Alli Blog79971

Getting Money From A Reverse Mortgage

A reverse mortgage allows homeowners over the age of 62 to cash in on the equity of their home.The homeowner can use these funds in anyway they want.Some have used the money for extended term care or home improvements.Homeowners usually run into very little difficulty in securing these funds.The funds are practically free because with the exception of the fees, more than likely, the mortgages will not be paid back over the course of the homeowners life.

There are several payment options to choose when receiving funds from a reverse mortgage. In most cases you can choose one or more of them based on your needs.

* Getting your money in a lump sum: Most often the money from a reverse mortgage is paid in a lump sum. You will receive one payment which equals the value of your home.

* Getting a specific amount paid over the course of a number of years: With this option the homeowner will receive payments over a specific course of time, 10 years for example. This could be a great help in managing funds over a period of time.

* Getting a specific amount paid to the homeowner every month until they die or permanently move out of their home: Receiving monthly payments gives the homeowner a sense of security in knowing that their money will not run out before they die.

* Getting a line of credit. Funds can be provided as a line of credit and be paid back to the lender. A specific amount could be taken out to make repairs or to pay a bill as the funds are needed.

Getting the right type of terms for your needs is totally up to you.Give thought to what your needs are, how much funding is required and how soon you will need the funds. Some homeowners have gotten a lump sum and transferred it into a savings account until needed. The funds are yours and you can do whatever you want to with it with no restrictions.

Tom Atkins is a staff writer at http://www.finance-journal.com and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including http://www.debt-journal.com.Ashlie Blog94645
Albertina Blog94623

CRON Automatically Run Jobs on Your Website

Sometimes you have repetitive jobs to run on your website. Most web servers have a function that will schedule and run jobs automatically for you. Just set up the schedule and let it run on autopilot.

CRON is a function in Unix and Linux operating systems which allows you to schedule a job and the job will run at the date and time scheduled until you delete the CRON statement.

Initially, you may consider this to be too technical for you, but not so if you will carefully read this article. It is a function of which you should be aware. Even if you do not need it now, remember about CRON for the day you will need it.

Apache server includes this function and it is easy to use with the graphical interface.

The format for CRON is CRON * * * * * Command to execute"

Each asterisk represents a field in the command and can contain the following values. If you do not want to specify a value for that particular field, leave the asterisk in that position in the CRON statement line. Each of the five fields is separated by white space.

Here are the values that each field (left to right) can have other than the asterisk:

Field -------- Value ----- Description
minute ----- 00-59 ------exact minute the cron executes
hour -------- 00-23 ------ hour of the day the cron executes(0 =midnight)
day --------- 01-31 ------ day of the month the cron executes
month ------ 01-12 ------ month of the year the cron executes
weekday --- 00-06 ----- ay of the week the cron executes(Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, etc)
command ---varies ------ sequence of commands to execute

What prompted the need for the CRON on our site was our use of the software package that required that we copy the ClickBank master file into a file on the Boomer-eZine website periodically so our copy is kept current with the ClickBank master.

Since we get busy and forget to do this weekly, a method to have our web host perform this automatically was the answer.

The CRON function is very flexible and can be set to run on almost any time frequency you can imagine.

If you specify a minute in the first field and an hour (24 hour clock) in the second field and leave all the other fields as asterisks, the specified program will run on that hour and minute every day. If you want the program to run twice a day at 10 and 11 AM, you can write the CRON as:

CRON 0 10,11 * * * Command to execute

With the proper combinations, you can set up a job to run automatically on almost any schedule that you can imagine.

Lets try a few. Write a CRON to execute on every Sunday at midnight.

If you got 0 0 * * 0 Command to execute", then you are right. The zero in the first position is on the hour. The zero in the second position is midnight. The zero in the fifth position (day of the week) is Sunday. This is what we used for our CRON settings for the CD AD Box update.

Set up a CRON to run once per year on the last day of the year at midnight.

CRON 0 0 31 12 * Command to execute

If you have a graphical interface on your web server, it is easy to enter the CRON information

Sometimes the CRON function is difficult to find in your control panel. If you have difficulty finding it, send an email to the support group for your web host and ask if this is available and if so, where is it located.

As I said earlier, you may not need this right now, but remember it for when it will come in handy for you. It can greatly simplify the work of managing your website.

Copyright 2006 John Howe, Inc.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has worked with computers for over 44 years. He is an expert in website creation and web hosting. He has published over 60 articles on the Internet covering diverse topics. His website http://www.the-best-web-host.com helps people analyze their needs and match those needs to the best web host. He also publishes http://www.boomer-ezine.com an ezine for Internet entrepreneurs.Ardith Blog43247
Aurea Blog15544

Are You Unconsciously Limiting Your Wealth Potential?

Unlimited financial abundance is your birthright!!

Sounds great doesn't it, but do you really believe it? It's not surprising if you don't.

Many of us don't believe we have access to unlimited financial abundance because we were raised in a culture that places severe limitations on our creative abilities to attract money. These limitations begin during early childhood when our basic beliefs about everything are being formed.

Think back to when you were a child. What did you consistently hear and experience regarding money?

Did you hear that "money doesn't grow on trees" or "money is the root of all evil"?

Did people in your household fight about not having enough money?

Did your dad grow surly and silent when it was time to pay the bills?

Was your mom afraid to ask your dad for more money if an unexpected financial emergency came up?

Were vacations eagerly anticipated or were they actually stressful because the family was going on vacation even if they "couldn't afford it"?

Whatever the situation, you consciously and unconsciously absorbed those beliefs about money and wealth. This became your belief system or paradigm.

Many of us are completely unaware of the unconscious belief systems that are governing our attitudes, behaviors, expectations and comfort level regarding how much money we think we deserve and actually attract.

Do this little exercise with me.

Imagine for a moment that a complete stranger walks up to you on the street and hands you a cashier's check for one million dollars. This stranger tells you that the money is a special gift and is unconditionally yours-no strings attached.

How would you instantly react?

1. Would you nervously look around for the hidden cameras?

2. Would you absolutely refuse the gift and even feel some resentment towards the stranger for putting you in such a predicament?

3. Would you accept the gift but then feel guilty and make immediate plans on how you were going to give the money away?

4. Would you graciously accept the money with heart-felt thanks and happily go to your bank cash the check and enjoy the money?

Your initial "gut reaction" to the above scenario allows some of your unconscious core beliefs about money bubble up to the surface.

If you picked one of the first 3 answers you definitely have some inherent beliefs that are severely limiting your birthright of prosperity. But the good new is-they are only beliefs. Keep in mind that beliefs are not truth. They are just a perception and an acceptance of the truth. What's great about beliefs is that you can change them and choose ones that support you and are in alignment with unlimited wealth potential

If you picked number four, congratulations!!! You're well on your way to unlimited financial abundance!!!

Becky Kimes is a professional coach, speaker and author who specializes in helping women break through the invisible barriers keeping them from manifesting their dreams.Amandie Blog77646
Andra Blog44132

Filter & Sort: Improving Ecommerce Product Findability

On both ecommerce and shopping comparison sites, users can find products in two different ways: searching and browsing. Searching obviously means using the site search whilst browsing involves drilling down through the categories provided by the website.

Regardless of which method is used, users will be presented with a product listing from which to find the product(s) they want. This product listing can contain tens, hundreds or even thousands of products, so finding the right product from this list can be a difficult or even impossible task on any ecommerce site.

Getting sorting and filtering right improves findability and allows users to find the product they want in less time, from this product listing. If users can't find the exact product they require in the minimal time, there's a good chance they'll go to an ecommerce site where they can.

What is sorting and filtering?

Sorting is a method of changing the order of any product listing, where by users can choose which criteria they want the products to be listed by. So, price-conscious web users may choose to list the products in order of price, from cheapest to most expensive.

Filtering is a way of reducing the number of products in a product listing. Users choose which criteria are important to them and view only relevant products. For example, price-conscious users may choose to view only products for under 10 (thereby filtering out all products over 10).

Sort by options

Bringing products with certain criteria to the top of the page can be particularly useful for users who aren't exactly sure what they want. This is especially true if there are a large number of products in the product listing. (Product listings, or a list of products, can be found either by running a search or browsing through the available categories.)

The Waterstones website ( http://www.waterstones.com/waterstonesweb/simpleSearch.do?simpleSearchString=post+office&searchType=0&Image1.x=0&Image1.y=0 ), for example, provides extensive options to sort its search results. As well as basic sort by options (e.g. 'Alphabetical: A-Z') the site also tailors its sorting to the fact that it's an online ecommerce bookshop. Users may find it helpful to sort by 'Bestselling', 'Publication date' or 'Average customer review'. The latter is an increasingly popular way of choosing products on the web due to its independent nature.

The language of the options is also plain and simple. For example, 'Price: Low to high' is used instead of 'Price ascending', the former being slightly less ambiguous.

Presenting sort by options

Utilising a dropdown menu for sorting uses up minimal screen space and is generally familiar to users of ecommerce sites. It does however 'hide' some of the options as they're not all visible at first glance.

You could instead offer sort by options as radio buttons. The main advantage of using radio buttons is that all sort by options are visible to users at one glance. Also, there should be less need to abbreviate terms as options aren't confined to the width of the dropdown field.

As a rough guide, if you offer users four or more sort by options, use a dropdown box. Three or less sort by options then use radio buttons as the options won't be 'hidden' in a dropdown box. Do be sure to restrict radio buttons to one row for easy scanning.

Filtering within product listings

Due to historically poor search results within websites, users are sometimes wary of site searches and will often browse through ecommerce sites to find a product. (They'll then use the search function only if they can't find what they're looking for). For users that are browsing in order to find a product, filtering within a category is crucial to enhance product findability.

Filters let users reduce the number of items within any product listing, by filtering out products that don't conform to specific criteria. This is often more useful for users who have a certain level of knowledge about the product(s) they require.

Dell ( http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/products/category.aspx/desktops?c=uk&cs=ukdhs1&l=en&s=dhs ) offers a number of filtering options for their computers with a wide range of specifications. The product filtering concentrates on the technical specifics and usage but also has the option to 'View all...', thereby catering for all users. Filter options must be specific to each product listing and shouldn't be generically applied across the site.

Using filtering to influence a purchase

Filtering can also be useful when there are many different parameters to a product and can be used as a tool to persuade and influence a purchase. H.Samuel ( http://www.hsamuel.co.uk/webstore/browse/N/0/?Ntt=watches&Ntk=ALL ), for example, uses an extensive filtering system for their range of watches. The product listing uses commonly-used filters such as 'Price', which many users will be familiar with. It also uses other, more clever filters, such as 'Occasion: Anniversary, Christmas, Love, Good luck...' and 'Who is it for: For boys, For father, For groom, For bride...'.

These additional filters 'humanise' the online shopping experience matching users' real life expectations and requirements. They essentially create an online 'shop assistant', matching users' needs with specific products.


Do be sure to employ sorting and filtering across all product listings on any ecommerce or shopping comparison website. The options you provide for both should speak users' language and be specific to the actual product listing (and not generically applied across the site).

Sorting and filtering are essential for helping users to find the products they're looking for. Users' increasing levels of sophistication when shopping online means they're likely to 'flick' between similar sites in a matter of seconds. Providing effective sorting and filtering for product listings can play a major part in helping users find (and ultimately buy) the product(s) they're looking for.

This article was written by Jonathan Webb. He's crazy about web usability and accessibility - so crazy that he now works for Webcredible ( http://www.webcredible.co.uk ), a leading UK web usability and accessibility consultancy to help make the Internet a better place for everyone.Adrien Blog60710
Anitra Blog34146

Airline Cards - To Own or Not to Own?

Everyones needs are different depending on their various lifestyles and living patterns. Therefore choosing an airline card from the various airline cards available will depend on your choice entirely. Eventually, it's up to you as to how hard your airlines credit card will work for you. But by reading these simple tips, and asking these questions, you can definitely wedge out a few more benefits out of your airlines credit card.

What is an Airlines Credit Card Anyway?

With an airlines credit card, one can earn credits or points whenever one uses the airlines credit card. After a certain number of points have been accumulated from purchases made on the card, cardholders can redeem points for airline travel, just the way one might utilize frequent flyer miles.

Be sure to know how many points you need to accumulate on your airlines credit card so as to qualify for free air travel. Its also vital to know when these points will expire if not put to use within a certain amount of time. Since most of the top airlines credit card reward programs are typically quite costly for credit card companies, any airlines credit card will usually come with an annual fee and will also have higher corresponding interest rates than other credit cards.

How Do I Select the Best Airline Card?

The first step in determining which airline card to select is to know which airline you frequent the most. If you have an airline preference for most of your trips, find out if the same airline has an airline card.

Another thing to analyze would be the frequency of your flying. If you fly once every few years or so, you are least likely to benefit from an airline card. If, however, you fly often, you might want to consider owning an airline card. However, there is a catch involved in this as well. Many airline cards place restrictions on the number of points that can be earned in a year. So, if you are not able to utilize points before they expire, owning an airline card would be futile.

As weve already mentioned, any airline card will have an annual fees attached to it besides having higher corresponding interest rates than a non-airline card, so watch out for that as well.

Getting the Best Out of Airline Cards

To get the best out of your airline cards, use them carefully. For instance, take a little amount off your monthly budget each month towards paying the balance on the airline cards and make sure that you are only spending that amount. Otherwise, you are most likely to end up paying quite a tidy sum as finance charges can add up from the high interest rates typically associated with airline cards.

Another way to maximize the utility of your airline cards is to choose your purchases through the airline cards very cautiously. Quite a number of times, even though you will get points for every purchase made with the airline cards, there will be additional points for specific purchases. The beauty of airline cards lies in utilizing them for the purchases that count while using other credit cards for those that do not.Everyones needs are different depending on their various lifestyles and living patterns. Therefore choosing an airline card from the various airline cards available will depend on your choice entirely. Eventually, it's up to you as to how hard your airlines credit card will work for you. But by reading these simple tips, and asking these questions, you can definitely wedge out a few more benefits out of your airlines credit card.

What is an Airlines Credit Card Anyway?

With an airlines credit card, one can earn credits or points whenever one uses the airlines credit card. After a certain number of points have been accumulated from purchases made on the card, cardholders can redeem points for airline travel, just the way one might utilize frequent flyer miles.

Be sure to know how many points you need to accumulate on your airlines credit card so as to qualify for free air travel. Its also vital to know when these points will expire if not put to use within a certain amount of time. Since most of the top airlines credit card reward programs are typically quite costly for credit card companies, any airlines credit card will usually come with an annual fee and will also have higher corresponding interest rates than other credit cards.

How Do I Select the Best Airline Card?

The first step in determining which airline card to select is to know which airline you frequent the most. If you have an airline preference for most of your trips, find out if the same airline has an airline card.

Another thing to analyze would be the frequency of your flying. If you fly once every few years or so, you are least likely to benefit from an airline card. If, however, you fly often, you might want to consider owning an airline card. However, there is a catch involved in this as well. Many airline cards place restrictions on the number of points that can be earned in a year. So, if you are not able to utilize points before they expire, owning an airline card would be futile.

As weve already mentioned, any airline card will have an annual fees attached to it besides having higher corresponding interest rates than a non-airline card, so watch out for that as well.

Getting the Best Out of Airline Cards

To get the best out of your airline cards, use them carefully. For instance, take a little amount off your monthly budget each month towards paying the balance on the airline cards and make sure that you are only spending that amount. Otherwise, you are most likely to end up paying quite a tidy sum as finance charges can add up from the high interest rates typically associated with airline cards.

Another way to maximize the utility of your airline cards is to choose your purchases through the airline cards very cautiously. Quite a number of times, even though you will get points for every purchase made with the airline cards, there will be additional points for specific purchases. The beauty of airline cards lies in utilizing them for the purchases that count while using other credit cards for those that do not.

Robert Alan recommends that you visit http://www.creditcardassist.com/airline/creditcards.html for more information on the benefits of airline cards.Ange Blog55738
Albertina Blog94623

Making Money Online IS Possible... Here's HOW

Are you trying to make money online but just can't seem to get the income you want? There are thousands upon thousands of aspiring online business entrepreneurs who are in the same boat as you right now. You are not alone! However, in this article, I am going to give you some tips on how to actually make money online and eventually bring in a very nice income.

Before we get started let's talk a little about who I am and why it's even worth your time to listen to me. Am I rich? No. My bank account would be laughable compared to Bill Gates or Donald Trump, but compared to the average person trying to make money online from a home business you could say I am doing quite well.

I started my online business about three and a half years ago and slowly but surely increased my income to the point of financial independence. I now make a very good full time income online and only work a few hours per week. It wasn't easy... far from it! But it was worth it. I don't consider myself to be some money making guru. But I have been making money online, and teaching people to do the same, long enough to know what I am talking about.

So how can you make a living from home? Here are the steps necessary to make money online and eventually bring in a very good income...

1) Define Your "Why" - Really the first, and most important, step to becoming rich is not "how" to do it but "why" to do it. Without your why, your how will be nearly impossible. Once you have found your why, it is much easier to find your how to become rich. You must look deep inside yourself to find out why you want to become rich. Once you have found it write it down and keep it in a place where you will see it everyday. After you find your why you can search for your how. Remember, there is no easy road to riches. If there was then everyone would be rich.

2) Write Your Plan - When you are getting started you will need a plan. What exactly do you want to accomplish? How long will it take to do it? What steps do you need to take to ensure it happens? How many hours are you going to put in each day? How much money can you afford to spend on marketing? Etc... Think about these questions and write down the answers. Make your plan realistic and stick with it as closely as possible. It can be modified along the way as things change but you should always have a realistic plan to follow.

3) Find Your "How" - Now it's time to start searching for how you will make money online. There are many different ways to make money online. A few of the most popular ones are: business opportunities, affiliate marketing, network marketing, niche marketing, creating your own e-book, or doing an actual online job. Most of these actually go hand-in-hand so you will usually be doing more than one at a time. They are usually lumped under one umbrella called internet marketing.

My suggestion is to start out with an actual paying online job as well as at least one of the others. Doing this will allow you to bring in an online income while getting started in something that you will eventually make a lot more money doing. For instance, you could work a couple hours per day in an online job while spending the rest of your spare time learning how to market affiliate programs.

I actually know of a great program where that is exactly what you do. You make money working online jobs while also getting into affiliate marketing and a business opportunity and learning to market on the internet. You can find it here: http://honest-income-program.com

4) Get Educated - Walking blindly into an online business without having some basic education is suicide! You need to know the basics of online marketing and promoting. You can get this education for free all over the place on the internet. A great place to start is internet marketing forums and articles.

You also need to know programs to definitely stay away from before you make the mistake of jumping into some overhyped dishonest opportunity or even an all out scam. A good way to be sure you don't get sucked into one of these is to stay away from anything that promises ridiculously large amounts of money in a short period of time. Or any opportunity that says you will make a lot of money without doing any, or very little, work. It's just not true!

To help you out a little here are a few things I can tell you right now to avoid - paid to read emails, randomizers, doublers, paid to surf, HYIP, the oprah paypal letter, etc... of course there are more things to stay away from but I can't go into detail in this article due to length. I will tell you that the Honest Income Program mentioned above gives you a lot more programs to avoid and tells why you should avoid them.

5) Get Started - Now it's time for you to get started making money in your new business. It is critical in this step to be focused. Don't go jumping around to every opportunity you see just because it promises riches. Stick with what you started and put your full effort into it. It is also critical that you do not expect too much too fast. It is going to take time to start making money online and it is going to take even longer to start making a significant amount of income.

While you are getting started you will be learning a LOT. In fact, you will probably feel like you are on information overload and feel overwhelmed by everything there is to learn. Don't worry it will all come together. Just take things one step at a time in an organized manner. The learning is something that never stops. You will constantly be learning new things in online business but the beginning is probably the most crucial and the toughest.

The most important part of this step is to TAKE ACTION! Yes, there is a lot to learn and a lot to do but the only way to get anywhere is to do something with it. Making money online is largely about taking action. The more you sit back and wait for the "right time" the less you are actually out there making money.

6) Work Hard and NEVER Quit - This is probably the best advice that was ever given to me and I consider it the most important tip I can pass on to anyone trying to make money online. No matter what anyone tells you making money online is hard work. You have to put in a lot of time and effort before you reap the rewards of it. You will fail at times, that is certain! However, you will also succeed if you get up from those failures and keep going!

That's it. Those are the six basic steps to making money online and eventually bringing in a great full-time income. Of course, this article is a simplified version of what it truly takes. There is more detail to making money online that cannot be fully explained in one article but the above is basically all you need to do. It will not be easy but it can certainly be done. There are thousands upon thousands of people making money online right now. Many of them are very rich because of it. Follow the above steps and you can be making a full time income on the internet soon enough.

Trent Brownrigg has been successfully making money online for over three years. He recommends - http://honest-income-program.com - to anyone looking to make money at home. You can find his main website at http://www.work-at-home-jobs-iowa.com.Aggi Blog56821
Ailyn Blog79915

Unsecured Cash Loans borrow instantly for urgency

Are you in urgent need of money? Well, it would be better that instead of wasting time in asking your friends or relatives for the money, which they may not be having that very instant, you apply for unsecured cash loans. The biggest advantage and attraction of unsecured cash loans is that it is approved instantly in an hour for most of the applicants and so the loan amount gets deposited the same day in the borrowers bank account. You can take unsecured cash loan for any personal purpose.

Unsecured cash loans are fully risk free for the borrowers as these loans are approved without collateral. Unsecured cash loans are also know as payday loans since these loans can be repaid when the borrower gets next paycheque. Usually unsecured cash loans are approved for two weeks. However you can extend the loan for some more weeks is the need be so. Generally lenders approve ₤100 to ₤1500 as unsecured cash loan depending on your monthly salary.

One disadvantage of unsecured cash loans is that lenders charge very high fee on the loan. So it is costly loan. However, on comparing lenders you always find a suitable lender charging lower fee. Better take rate quotes for the comparison.

Unsecured cash loans are approved without any credit checks. This is because the loan is based on monthly salary of the borrower and small amount can be easily repaid through next paycheque. So even if you have late payments, arrears or county court judgments in your name, still lenders are willing to offer you an amount as unsecured cash loans.

You should be at least of 18 years of age and should be a regular employee. Also you should have an active checking account in a bank. Avoid extending the loan repayment as it involves enhanced fee of the lender.

Antonio Vargas has been associated with Unsecured Loan In The UK. His articles provide you useful knowledge to find the right financial product at the right price. To find Unsecured cash loans, Unsecured loan in the UK, Bad credit unsecured loan, Unsecured tenant loan, Unsecured business loan visit http://www.unsecuredloanintheuk.co.ukAllianora Blog31680
Antonie Blog80021

Popup Santa Kids Christmas Make

Watch as Santa Claus pops out of the chimney pot. But don't get him stuck because if he catches you he won't bring you any Christmas presents.

To make a popup Santa you will need - 2 loo-roll tubes. One needs to be slightly bigger than the other, so that one can easily slide up and down inside the other tube.

The larger tube is the chimney pot. Cover this tube in paper or paint to look like a chimney pot.

The smaller tube is Father Christmas. Stick on paper or paint this tube to look like Santa Claus. Give him a long white beard and a bright red coat.

Stick on a strip of red paper around the top of the tube so that the paper over hangs the tube. Scrunch the top edge of the paper to form Santa's hat. Stick a cotton wool ball on the top to finish it off. The glue helps to keep the scrunched up edge nicely in place.

Cut out two thin strips of card. Stick them on the side of Santa to make his arms. The turn over you make to stick on the arms acts as a hinge later. Santas arms will pop out of the chimney as Santa appears.

When Santa is complete and the glue or paint is dry, cover Santa in sticky clear book protector or clear selotape. This reduces friction as Santa slips up and down inside the chimney.

Put Santa inside the chimney. Put your fingers up inside the chimney to mover Santa up and down so that he appears to POP out of the chimney.

Popup Santa is great for 'doing' the actions to the song 'When Santa got stuck up the chimney'

When Santa got stuck up the chimney,
He began to shout,
You girls and boys wont get any toys,
If you dont pull me out!
My beard is black,
Theres soot in my sack,
My nose is tickling too
When Santa go stuck up the chimney,
Achoo Achoo Achoo!

S. Roberts is one of Santas little elves who writes for the Christmas website http://www.santaspostbag.co.uk/ when Santa write FREE Letters to children. If you publish this article please link back to http://www.santaspostbag.co.uk/ - ThanksAlayne Blog18150
Ariel Blog90118

Profitable Affiliate Marketing Using Incentive Offers

The biggest companies want to sell their products and services on the Internet. One of the best ways to market their products and services online is by offering a commission to website owners. This is done by setting up an affiliate program where webmasters can pick up the links to offers and promote them on their web sites in exchange for affiliate commissions for each sale made.

Webmasters have many ways to promote these affiliate offers - on websites, by email, with pay-per-click search engines, writing and distributing articles, etc.

However, a little-known way to promote these offers is by using incentives to online surfers who agree to buy a product or service from the webmaster.

One of the best ways to market incentive offers is by building a membership-based website and giving free cash to members who agree to accept affiliate products and services.

Here are the steps for setting up a successful incentive-based website:

1. You'll have to build a database-driven website where new members can sign up and start browsing offers after logging in. Such websites usually promote at least a hundred of various offers. You should offer your members about 50% of the commission that you recieve from an affiliate program.

One of the biggest disadvantages in starting an incentive-based website is that the scripts for running such program are quite complicated. However, if you don't know Internet programming and cannot build the website by yourself, you can hire someone to create the scripts for you or purchase them online.

2. After your website is up and running, you should apply for affiliate networks that allow incentive traffic. When your application is approved you should set up offers on your website.

3. You should market the incentive offers not only on your website but by email too. Sending paid email to your members is one of the best ways to increase your profit. You should reward your members with a certain amount of cash for reading each paid email and redirect them to affiliate offers where they can earn even more extra cash by accepting the offers.

4. Since the incentive traffic is usually limited to certain countries, you should promote your website to the visitors of these countries only. The best ways to drive targeted traffic to your incentive-based website are: pay-per-click search engines, email marketing and affiliate marketing (by setting up your own affiliate program).

5. You should manage your website by setting up new offers, paying members their earned payments, suspending fraudulent accounts and tracking your website advertising campaigns.

Some incentive-based websites offer a point system. It means that members earn points instead of cash. Later these points can be redeemed for cash or any other items.

Incentive marketing on the Internet can be very profitable. Anyone can start an excellent home-business online within several weeks and run it spending only a couple of hours per day. It doesn't require any complicated and time-consuming content writing for websites and newsletters. The investment in scripts is low.

Gerardas Norkus is an author of "Paid Email Business Secrets" eBook (http://www.paidemailbusiness.com) that reveals a step-by-step system for running a highly profitable home-business on the Internet.Annamarie Blog1343
Alleen Blog89982

Scam Job Emails And How To Identify Them

Working from home is becoming very popular nowsdays. There are stories about people making thousands of dollars a month by just sitting in front of the computer a few hours a day. Are these stories true? Few are but majority are make-ups to lure you into a trap. Nothing in the world is for free. Many home-based jobs are just too good to be true.

Everyone wants to earn big money without going to work. Most students or stay-at-home moms want extra cash to pay their fees or bills. Because the number of home based jobs is increasing everyday, it is no surprise that work-at-home scams offering online work that reap big financial gains have also grown in popularity. With the advance of technology, we can now contact people easily by email without revealing who we are and that is what most scammers do today. Scammers love to lay their bait through emails because it is very easy hard to be caught.

In this article, I would like to identify a few features of a scam job email so that you will not fall into the trap if you happens to see one next time.

1. Transfer Money

Some jobs will ask you to be the middle man to help transfer the money over to your bank account with you getting a huge percentage of it. However, when you proceed to ask more about the deal, you will be asked to provide your bank details and that is when the catch comes in. NEVER GIVE YOUR BANK DETAILS TO ANYONE!

2. Upfront Investment

Many home-based jobs actually ask you to pay first. Whether is it a signup fee or for whatever purpose, it works like an MLM and your job is to get as many people involved as possible. If you are paying for something, make sure you are getting something usable back. It is illegal to pay for something without getting anything usable.

3. Not Specific / Too Good To Be True

Jobs that offer great rewards with you putting in the minimal effort are usually scams. I got an email recently about a job in flowerland. The email stated that you do not need to be skilled in anyway to earn high wages. The description of the company was obscure. Also, the email did not say what you are required to do. I have attached the email as follows:

FlowerLand International is an American trading corporation. We specialize in all kinds of plants and decorative greenery that can be used for home or office. We are not a Multi-Level-Marketing company nor any similarity. You are never required to buy nor invest anything to work with Flowerland International. We are not a (MLM,Multi-Level-Marketing) organization nor any similarity. You are never required to buy nor invest anything to work with Flowerland International.

This is an entry level opportunity in the field of banking services.

- Really High Wages.
- Ability to work at home.
- Flexible shedule.
- No sign up fees, no investment is needed.
- All expenses such as phone calls, webtraffic, etc will be fully covered by our company.
- IllnessDisability friendly team.

- Basic knowledge of credit principles, financial services and operations.
- Ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously along with meeting deadlines.
- Ability to work independently or in a team environment.
- Having no problem with the Authorities.
- Having a cellular phone.
- Having a deep desire to achieve financial success.

No degree required.

HOW TO Begin:
Please send your resume to our personnel manager.
It must be sent in a TXT, MSWord, RTF or PDF format.

Please write to the following email: flowerlandint[a]yahoo.com. In order to receive our response, please provide us with your valid email address.

3. Unknown Source

This is the most important and critical check - that is why I left it to the last. If someone tells you that they found you through the internet, you better not believe them. The scammers probably send the same mail to millions of people hoping for someone to reply. Check the sender's email. If the email is an yahoo, gmail or some free mails, you can delete the mail immediately because a reputable company will never use a free email address. The flowerland scam shown above just reflected that. If the email is from a company, go the url and check out the website. You can do so easily by extracting the text after the @ symbol.


I hope this email can shed some light on how to identify a home-based job fraud. There are many more ways to do it and I've only listed a few important ones. With fradulent emails growing everday, more people might be cheated. Many people deceived by job scams have lost alot of their hard earned money, in addition to effort and time. Lets hope you are not one of them.

Sitecritic Web Resource is a non-profit organization that provides unbiased web reviews, articles and internet resources for the web community.Antonietta Blog35642
Adriana Blog71724

Data Entry Outsourcing: Where to Find the Most Competent and Affordable Outsourcing Company

As an owner of a company or a business, you want to save money as much as possible in order to profit more and let your company grow. Thanks to the internet, outsourcing your business process can be done in other countries where qualified, and experienced computer operators are widely available at a very low cost.

Countries such as India, Philippines, China and other developing countries are now accepting outsourcing as part of a very lucrative industry.

Data entry work is one such thing that businesses and companies today are outsourcing to lighten the heavy workload and also to do it more efficiently, faster, and more accurate.

First of all, before you consider this option, you have to know what data entry is all about. Data entry operations include data conversion, image and document processing, image enhancement, catalog processing services, photo manipulation services and others.

Data entry is a constant need for some organization or companies that needs to document its daily activities. So, if you need data entry jobs, you should consider outsourcing it to other companies abroad that offer quality data entry jobs at a very affordable price.

There are a lot of benefits that you can take advantage of if you outsource your data entry jobs. One is that you will be able to have your data entry jobs done at a very affordable price; two is that you will be able to get it done professionally by competent people; and three is that you will be getting rid of this extra work in your company. Meaning that you will be effectively separating your companys work into manageable pieces.

Data entry is often used in medical billing and transcribing. It can be done by freelancers or an outsourcing company from other parts of the world. Over the past two decades, data entry companies and freelancers have been doing this work.

While it is true that data entry jobs can be done in-house, but there are certain jobs that should be done by experts rather than your staff. If you need a particularly large job in data outsourcing, it would take a lot of time and will require overtime for your staff if you do it in-house. However, if you outsource it, your company will function more normally and focus on more important work in your business.

So, if you have a time-consuming and expensive data entry jobs that your company needs to finish, you can consider outsourcing the data entry jobs to freelancers, or data entry companies that accepts outsourced jobs. For example, catalog management can prove to be very time consuming and expensive. This will involve handling and maintaining paper catalogs. By outsourcing it, you will save a lot of money and still have time for your companys priority.

Data entry outsourcing will certainly change the way you run your company. It will let you save a lot of money, get the job done professionally, and it will allow you to effectively manage your companys priorities and workloads.

Always remember that before you hire a company or a freelancer to outsource your data entry jobs, you should first check the quality of their work and their work experience. It is recommended that they should have at least experience in the field of data entry jobs you will be outsourcing.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to http://www.quickregister.net/partners/Alexandrina Blog871
Anselma Blog25644

Alternative Medicine Within The NHS

It amazes me that even today, knowing the connection between the mind and body that we continue as a nation to feed ourselves with medicines and other such pills whenever our bodies send us the message that something is wrong. I feel that more time and money should be invested in addressing the real causes of ailments, rather than continually treating the symptoms. I am a member of the NHS Directory for Complimentary and Alternative practitioners. This is something that I have to pay for whist using the very carefully worded phrasing above. My details are on an NHS list somewhere and I have never received one referral as a result of being on it. I have even hypnotised a doctors receptionist in from on several doctors at a primary care trust meeting.

Below, I explore some of the reasons why I believe hypnotherapy and other such practices should be given much more credibility by the medical establishments.

1. Relaxation

Lets face it, the only time most people relax these days in when they go to bed- and then they can't even do that properly, the get busy brains right at the point where what they actually need most, is to go to sleep. Relaxation is so important and should be integral of your every day routine. Without it, there is often no way of releasing the build ups of stress that accumulate in the every day working lives that we have. This can lead to aggravated states within the body, such as headaches, IBS, muscular aches and pains and lack of energy.

2. Motivation

Quite simply we don't get very far without it. Motivation keeps us going and keeps us growing, and everybody has to grow in order to feel fulfilled in life. We have 2 kinds of motivation in life, things we are motivated to achieve and things we are motivated to get away from. Strangely the latter contains the most power due to the fact that it is most like a survival instinct. In short, motivation is essential in life and you really won't get very far without it.

3. Life Changes

This is probably the broadest of the 3. People want their lives changed in many different ways. For some, changing their life might be about changing their lifestyle- taking up more exercise or giving up smoking for example. For others, changing their life might mean leaving behind years of emotional baggage from abusive relationships. Either way, one small change always tends to snowball and have positive knock on effects in many other areas of life also.

Hypnotherapy has been used as a therapeutic tool for many years and has been recognised by the British Medical Association since 1955. Yet still it is brushed off as invalid and jiggery pokery. If as a nation we invested as much money into alternative practices as we have into pharmaceuticals, we would have invested wisely. People would be in a better position to take responsibility for the impact their lifestyles have on their bodies, getting better would be more empowering, potentially less money from the health services would be spent on treating symptoms and would be more geared towards finding and solving the causes. Lets hope for the future that our potential as human beings can be taken more seriously than our belief in manufactured drugs.

Gemma Bailey is qualified hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner. She is based in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire and has helped many clients and patients throughout South East England. For more information on Hypnotherapy, NLP therapies and Life coaching, visit http://www.gemmabailey.co.ukAlis Blog86532
Antonella Blog72878

Blazing new trails and profits with old marketing tools

One of the most fascinating things I see happening right now is the confusion around the internet. Many people are out there hyping up that the internet is "different". That you need to deal with people "differently". That people have somehow miraculously "changed" and they don't respond to marketing like they used to.


The internet is a magnificent medium to get the message out on a world scale. But people are people and they have NOT changed their fears, insecurities, dreams and desires. Has YOUR fears around your financial future changed? Are you any different now than you were 5 years ago with regards to wanting more out of life?

Of course not. And your customers are no different at all.

People are people and the core needs and wants will not change for many generations to come. The specifics change today it is ipods 10 years from now it will be some techno-gizmo you plug into your head maybe.

But the reason people want ipods today is to be with the "in" crowd. To have a wonderful little tech tool to "escape". Is that any different than the advent of the internet, or for that matter, the television?

Remember this the next time you hear how much things have changed. Yes, our lives are more complicated but it makes us want change, improvement and freedom even more.

So when you are out there marketing your goods and service look deep to what core desires you help them address. Only by digging deep there will you find the golden secret to marketing success.

Speaking of "The Secret".

Notice all the controversy surrounding the movie?


Couple reasons:

It isn't a secret! Never was it has been discussed in books, movies, and training events for decades centuries. They have done a masterful job on the marketing side and I think a few people are getting quite jealous. They realized that the message is no different just a different way of telling the message was needed. And it worked far beyond anyone's grandest of expectations. The other part is beyond the subject of this blog the fact that positive intentions are not enough. You must take action to attract what you want. Some people are quite upset that the movie will generate a new cult of couch sitting attractors. Sitting on your couch with positive intentions to make a million won't do it. Combine positive intentions with massive action to achieve that and you will.

It is a great movie and I LOVE the marketing they have done! It is the perfect example of marketing done right and hitting the core desires of the mass public.

Lots to be learned from their efforts.

Troy White, The Marketing Results Mentor and Expert Copywriter helps clients achieve HUGE growth surges in their business in very short periods of time. If you're an entrepreneur in need of quick cash flow surges here is the quick-hit solution to put money in your bank. The Wild West Wealth Summit! Make sure you visit http://www.WildWestWealth.com or sign up for the Free Cash Flow Surge Newsletter at http://www.CashFlowSurges.comAnnamaria Blog20187
Ashly Blog48762

Watch Out For Work At Home Scams

If youre like me you would love to work at home. Just think we could stay in our pajamas all day, not have to answer to anyone and work when we want. Not to mention make thousands a month doing it!

There are many work at home scams that you need to be aware of. I have fallen prey to quite of few of them myself. A perfect example is the stuffing the envelope scam. Imagine employers paying someone to do thisand wait there is a $35.00 sign up fee! Of course this is not legitimate. If you find one that is, please let me know, Ill start right away.

Then there is home assembly jobs, maybe putting together doll furniture. You sign up, of course there is another fee for that, you get your materials, finish your project and send it in only to find out it wasnt done to their satisfaction so they reject it. You did all that work and then didnt get paid for it.

Oh and dont forget the mystery shopping scam. Most of these people place ads that hit you up for anywhere from $19.95 to $49.95. For this you will be supplied with a list of places and companies that hire mystery shoppers. Most of them give you a list of department stores for your money.

Generally if it sounds too good to be true, it is. There are steps that you can take to protect yourself. If youre considering a work at home job, call the Better Business Bureau and check them out. Call the Federal Trade Commission. Ask the employer for references. Never send money for a job. Do not respond to 800 & 900 numbers. Avoid companies that have P.O. Box.

There are legitimate work at home jobs available, you just have to do your research and trust your instincts.

Denise DamazioAlly Blog36346
Anica Blog57213

285 Philadelphia Schools Students Awarded $800,000 in Scholarships

The Philadelphia Education Fund has been in operation for 20 years. A nonprofit organization, the Fund partners with school districts (including the Philadelphia schools), other nonprofit organizations, businesses and individuals to provide scholarships for students in the Philadelphia schools system. Its purpose is to initiate and implement innovative educational programs, of which they have several. They work to improve the quality of teachers in the Philadelphia schools, conduct educational research, and engage the community in school reform. The Fund is one of the largest of 86 education funds that are affiliated with the national Public Education Network.

One of the programs that are sponsored by the Fund is the Philadelphia Scholars Program that awards Last Dollar Scholarships to Philadelphia schools students. In June 2006, they awarded $800,000 in scholarships to 285 schools students.

Over the last 16 years, the Fund has awarded more than $5 million to students, who attend 15 high schools of the Philadelphia schools system many of these youth were the first in their families to attend college. Scholarships range from $200 to $4,000, helping to fill the gap between a students financial aid package and actual college costs. Scholarships cover tuition, fees, books and transportation. They are renewable for a maximum of six years for students attending accredited, degree-granting colleges and universities across the nation.

Scholarship funding is from Philadelphia donors (many of which are the citys most prominent philanthropists in the financial industry), but includes hundreds of individuals, businesses, and organizations. The most active donor is John C. Bogle, chairman of the National Constitution Center and former chairman and founder of the Vanguard Group. Besides wanting to make college a reality for Philadelphia schools students, Bogle hopes that these same children will one day invest in Philadelphias next generation.

Once such group, which raises funds for the Last Dollar Scholarship program, is the Scholars Advisory Committee. To date, they have raised $16 million. A. Morris Williams, Jr. chairs the committee, is the president of Williams and Company, and was formerly an executive of Morgan Stanley. He and John Neff, a committee member and former managing partner of Wellington Management Company, are the two driving forces behind the Philadelphia Scholars Program. Together, they provided the seed money for the programs launch.

Williams wants to help the Philadelphia schools students reach their goals, hoping to inspire others to support higher education in Philadelphia. Neff wants to give something back to the community that has been so good to him, and sees supporting education as a way to give students an opportunity for a better life.

Most investors in the scholarship program for Philadelphia schools students recognize the something must be done to help the citys youth succeed. Without the opportunity of a higher education for todays students, Philadelphia will be left wanting for an educated workforce in the future. The donors generosity helps the Philadelphia schools students have a better future, as well as helping the city succeed tomorrow.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Allianora Blog67052
Aimee Blog95352

Monetize Your Content Sites

To know why Adsense is essential for your content sites is to know first how this works.

The concept is really simple, if you think about it. The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will pull advertisements from the Adsense program. The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the search engine for the click.

The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a time-consuming task in itself. It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of information search engines are providing and are more focused in making cash from these search engines.

The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Together with its continuous progression is the appearance of more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to choose from many different types of text ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.

The different formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more click through from visitors who may or may not be aware of what they are clicking on. It can also appeal to the people visiting thus make them take that next step of looking up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their content read and making profit in the process.

The second reason is the ability of the Adsense publishers to track not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The recent improvements in the search engines gives webmasters the capability to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colors and pages within a website. Trends are also easily spotted.

With the real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes made will be assessed quickly. There would be time to sort out the contents that people are making the most clicks on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers. The more flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.

The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus increasing the possibility that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product and services. All because of the content and its constant maintenance. As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.

Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content is, the more target the search engines ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.

There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the most important factors that is taken quite seriously. It still is. With the allure of money, of course.

Gary OrtliebAna Blog43324
Alissa Blog70637

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